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Secure Email with TXDPSCU

by | Jul 1, 2021 | News

​Secure email is a safe and reliable way for members to provide us with any required documents and personal information digitally. Through our secure email platform, members can receive encrypted emails and attachments from TXDPSCU, then safely reply to the message. Secure email is safe for both the sender and receiver to share any message content and attachments without the risk of your emails being intercepted, viewed, or stolen. Encryption scrambles and codes information so that other people cannot read the message while it is traveling over the internet.


Instructions for accessing and replying to a secure email from TXDPSCU


  1. Open the email from TXDPSCU and click on the “Read the Message” box. A new browser will open.
  2. Click on the box with the “Sign in with a One-Time Passcode.” A passcode will be sent in a separate email to your email address.
  3. Open the email that contains the one-time passcode. You will need to use the passcode as soon as possible. It is only good for 15 minutes.
  4. Go back to the original message and enter the passcode received in the box labeled “one-time passcode” and click on “Continue”
  5. The secure encryption email will open. Once it has been authenticated, the encrypted message will be displayed like a regular email; you can now continue to reply as usual.


If you have any questions or are having issues with an encrypted email, please do not hesitate to contact us.