Credit Card Conversion FAQ
As part of an effort to enhance our product offerings, Texas DPS Credit Union has made the decision to convert to a new credit card processor effective August 22, 2022. We’re excited to bring our credit card holders contactless payment capability (including the use of mobile wallet), a smoother way to make payments with integration into the TXDPSCU Online Banking platform, enhanced security to continue to help protect against fraud, and a 24/7 cardholder service line for any inquiry you may have.
As with any change, a transition like this may come with questions. That’s why we’ve created this FAQ document to help answer any questions our current cardholders may have. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we go through this transition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I receiving a new Credit Card?
Texas DPS Credit Union is changing the credit card processor and issuer from Mastercard to Visa to better serve your needs. This change requires that a new card be issued.
Will my interest rate change as part of this conversion and card issuance?
No. Your interest rate and other terms in your account will not be changing.
Will I have a new PIN number so I can access cash with my new credit card?
Yes. You may select your unique PIN by calling the number on the activation label and choosing the correct option. You may also change your PIN using the eCS website, or Card Hub.Â
My existing card does not expire for quite a while; can I continue using my existing card until expiration?
No. Your existing card will not work after 08/22/2022. Instructions will come with your new card to ensure it is ready to use on or after 08/22/2022.
My spouse and I both have Financial Institution Name Visa/Mastercard credit cards, but I only received one card in the mail. Will my spouse be receiving a new card?
Yes, as a security feature, all cards being issued with this conversion will have a unique number and will arrive separately. However, you will continue to receive only one billing statement, regardless of the number of cards on the account.
What do I need to do if I have preauthorized or recurring payments that are tied to my existing Texas DPS Credit Union Credit Card?
To ensure there is no interruption with recurring or preauthorized payments (such as monthly utility bills, insurance payments, club dues, etc.) contact the merchant by 08/22/2022 with your new card number and expiration date.
Will I need to send my payment to a new location after the conversion?
Yes. The new address will be included on the statement. If you pay this bill through online bill payment, you will need to update the mailing address to Texas DPS Credit Union, P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NE 68103-2711 after 08/22/2022, to ensure that your payment reaches the processor by your due date. If you pay this bill by check include your payment stub with your check and mail to Texas DPS Credit Union, P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NE 68103-2711.
I set-up my monthly Credit Card payment as an automatic ACH transfer, payroll deduction, or recurring transfer. Do I have to make any changes?
Yes. To ensure there is no interruption in automated payments, contact the provider of this service (i.e., another bank or bill pay service) on or after 08/22/2022, with your new card number and payment address Texas DPS Credit Union, P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NEÂ 68103-2711.
Will my previous card history transfer to my new card so that I have access to the information if needed?
No. Your previous card history will be retained for customer service inquiries only. However, you will not be able to access statements/history online after 08/22/2022, so we recommend you save the statements to your computer or print hard copies before this date.
Will the fraud security alert phone number change?
Yes, the new number will be 1-833-763-2013. This is the number that will appear on your caller ID if we need to contact you regarding possible fraud activity involving your account.