How Can I Beat Inflation and Save on Holiday Shopping?

Q: How can I beat inflation and save on my holiday shopping?
A: Yes, costs are up across the board, but steep price tags do not need to lead to a busted budget. You can beat inflation and save on holiday shopping this year. Here are five tips to get you started.
1. Set a budget – and keep it
Make a clear budget for the holiday season, including all expenses you expect to encounter, and set a dollar amount for each. Don’t be afraid to set amounts that seem like a stretch. Challenge yourself to lower your holiday spending and find creative ways to make the season festive without landing in deep debt. You can do it!
2. Look for deals and discounts
Despite rampant inflation, you can still find great deals and coupons to bring down the price. For example, electronic devices will go on sale in late November, while toys are always marked down the weeks just before Christmas. It’s also a good idea to sign up for alerts from your favorite retailers to find out when they’re hosting a sale. Finally, use cash-back apps like Ibotta and Shopkick.
3. Give fewer gifts
Take a look at your list of gift recipients and see where you can make some cuts. Do you really need to swap gifts with every coworker, second cousin, and around-the-corner neighbor? To keep feelings positive, suggest a Secret Santa exchange for social groups in your life so you only need to buy one gift for an entire group.
4. Give a gift card
A gift card is a great way to give value at less cost. Now through the end of the year, skip the fees when you buy TXDPSCU gift cards. Stop into the #creditunion or contact us to get yours today.
5. Give an experience
Think beyond gifts you can touch and add some experiences to your gift list this year. For example, you can “gift” a child with a free day off from school and treat your partner to an in-house spa night. Present these gifts as homemade “gift cards” wrapped in pretty ribbons.
Use these tips to beat inflation and save on your holiday shopping.